Male Supremacy, Anti-Feminism & Women’s Right to Vote

This short audio file overviews this topic based on my research files and the wider literature . 7:44 mins. Audio is not a reading of the blog post below but touches on similar topics.

Back to the Kitchen Patriarchal Politics …..

In the tapestry of modern and messy New Zealand politics, there's a thread that many of us might find shocking: a smallish but vocal group on the far-right spectrum advocating for the revocation of women's right to vote. Yes, you read that correctly. In 2024, there are still those who believe women shouldn't have a say in the democratic process - and some of them are women ! And yes some are New Zealanders’ openly epousing this outdated fallacy.

While this view is far from mainstream, it's a disturbing undercurrent that deserves our attention and understanding. Let's quick dive into this rabbit hole together and explore the motivations behind this stance. Buckle up – it's going to be a brain numbing meander…..

At the heart of this opposition lies a complex web of beliefs, each thread reinforcing the others. Imagine a world where rigid hierarchies rule, where men (particularly white men) sit unchallenged at the top of the social pyramid. This is the world that these far-right groups yearn for – a return to what they see as the "good old days" of unquestioned patriarchal authority - the good old days that never really existed. But it's not just about gender. For many in these circles, the idea of women voting is tangled up with racial ideologies too. They see women's suffrage as part of a broader trend that's weakening white supremacy and nationalism. It's as if, in their minds, every vote cast by a woman (especially a woman of color) is a chip off the foundation of their idealized society.

And then there's the F-word: Feminism. To these groups, feminism isn't just about equality – it's a bogeyman, a destabilizing force that's eroded traditional gender roles and male authority. They view the hard-won progress of women's rights not as a triumph of justice, but as a society gone off the rails.

The "Logic" Behind the Madness?

Now, you might be wondering, "How on earth do they justify this stance?" Well, grab a cup of tea (or something stronger), because the arguments are... let's say, interesting.

First up is the old chestnut that women are "too emotional" for the serious business of politics. According to this view, we ladies are just a bundle of feelings, incapable of the cold, hard logic needed for important decisions. Never mind the countless women who've led countries, run successful businesses, or made groundbreaking scientific discoveries – apparently, we're all just one rom-com away from making irrational choices at the ballot box.

Then there's the issue of voting patterns. Statistics show that women voters in many countries tend to support more liberal or left-leaning policies. Rather than seeing this as a legitimate political choice, opponents frame it as evidence of women's susceptibility to "bleeding heart" ideologies. It's as if they believe there's only one "correct" way to vote, and it just happens to align with their worldview.

A Wider Net of Opposition

It's important to note that this isn't just a white nationalist thing. Opposition to women's suffrage can be found in other corners too. Some religious fundamentalists, regardless of faith, believe that men should be the sole decision-makers in both the home and society. There are cultural traditionalists who cling to patriarchal norms, and even some far-right libertarians who dream of a world where only property owners (who just happen to be mostly men) get to vote.

And here's a twist that might surprise you: some women within far-right movements also advocate for restricting women's voting rights. It's a head-scratcher, isn't it? This often stems from internalized misogyny or a deep-seated belief in traditional gender roles. It's a stark reminder of how powerful and pervasive these ideologies can be.

Why This Matters

Now, you might be thinking, "This is all pretty fringe stuff. Why should I care?" Well, here's the thing: while these views are extreme and not reflective of mainstream thought, they serve as a canary in the coal mine. They remind us that the rights we often take for granted – like the fundamental right to vote – still face challenges.

Understanding these perspectives helps us appreciate the ongoing importance of safeguarding voting rights for all members of society. It's a reminder that the work of ensuring equality and democratic participation is never truly finished.It is the fundamental right of all citizens to participate in the political process, regardless of gender or race. After all, a democracy is at its strongest when every voice is heard and every vote is counted.

So the next time you head to the polls, remember: your vote isn't just a personal choice. It's a statement that says, "Every voice matters in our democracy." And that, my friends, is something worth celebrating – and protecting.

DoC October 2024.
Audio Files: AI Hosts


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