Martin Michael Sellner
DOB: January 8, 1989
POB: Vienna, Austria
Married 2019: Brittany Pettibone
Son born 2021.
Primary Affiliation: Generation Identity (GI)
Wife: Brittany performs the role of most white women in the XRW - puts an feminine face to XRW racial propaganda and conspiracy narratives that rotate around “us versus them”.
Martin Sellner:
He began engaging with nationalist and neo-Nazi ideologies as a teenager. Received mentorship by Gottfried Küssel, a prominent neo-Nazi figure in Austria; Küssel was later imprisoned from 2011 to 2020 for attempts to revive Nazism. Sellner is co-founder of the Identitarian Movement in Austria (2012) - Generation Identity. Established as a branch of the pan-European Identitarian movement, advocating for European "ethnopluralism" and opposing multiculturalism. GI are know for known for using cross-platform “guerrilla-style” tactics to evade bans and maintain visibility. Sellner’s ideological beliefs are often mis-represented as ‘patriotic’ and “activism” to deflect from its extremism nature. He mirrors racial pseudo intelluctuals such as Richard Spencer, by writing justifications for racial ideological notions and fallacies.
Brittany Pettibone, Sellner’s wife, is known for promoting extreme white power conspiratorial narratives such as “white genocide” and QAnon-style theories; she was also banned from the UK in 2018.
Austrian authorities classify Generation Identity as a criminal group, despite its attempt to present itself as a non-governmental activist organization. Sellner and GI much like Richard Spencer (USA) uses distinct iconography and branded visuals to cultivate a "respectable" public facade, masking an underlying extremist agenda, as noted by researchers and NGO’s like Hope Not Hate. Sellner carefully manages his public statements, often claiming that his controversial remarks are “misinterpreted” or “accidental”
Promotes "white Christian identity" and European cultural homogeneity
Advocates for "remigration" policies aimed at deporting non-European immigrants
Opposes Islam, advancing the faux "Great Replacement" theory, which claims European populations are being "replaced" by non-European immigrants
Espouses "ethnopluralism," which superficially advocates for cultural preservation but promotes racial separatism
Notable Incidents & Actions:
(not an all exhaustive list )
2016: Generation Identity went to the University of Vienna, disrupting a theatre performance by asylum seekers by throwing fake blood on the audience, and unfurling their banner
2017: Led a torch-lit march, a highly symbolic and confrontational act often associated with extremist movements
2017: Attempted a Mediterranean campaign with GI to intercept migrant vessels, destroy boats and “arrest” migrants - aiming to prevent refugees from reaching Europe. The campaign received support from XRW Lauren Southern and prominent white supremacist David Duke, but did not go ahead as the the GI boat was ultimately detained.
2018: Attended a far-right GI gathering, "Europa Nostra," in Dresden, Germany
2018: Denied entry to the UK on grounds of being “not conducive to the public good”; intended to give a speech at Speaker's Corner in Hyde Park.
2018 Received a €1,500 donation from the Christchurch Mosque Terrorist , leading to a formal investigation regarding their connections.
2018, Facebook and Instagram removed GI’s official pages, curtailing their direct reach but not fully dismantling their influence due to GI’s multi-channel tactics.
2019: The Austrian intelligence service (Verfassungsschutz) declared Sellner as “dringend tatverdächtig“ or, an imminent threat
2019: Denied entry to the United States due to extremist affiliations and links to the Christchurch terrorist; Austrian prosecutors continue to investigate his affiliations with the attacker
Banned from Twitter in 2020
2024: Banned from entering Germany for three years, days after being deported from Switzerland . Sellner is known for his talk about “remigration” at a recent meeting of nationalist populists from the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) that triggered large protests in Germany
Lists are not all inclusive - sustantial documentation exists evidencing a extremist racial ideology.
Research Literature:
Identitarians versus Big Tech. (2023) M Fielitz.
The Right Extremist Identitarian Movement in Europe: A Critical Theory Analysis. (2020) C Leeb
The Rise of Right-Wing Violent Extremism Threat in Germany and its Transnational Character. (2020) Canigla, Winkler & Metais.
Patriotism is not just a Man’s thing’: Right-Wing Extremist Gender Policies within the so-called Identitarian Movement. (2022) J Goetz
Generation Identity : International White Nationalist Movement Spreading Hate on Twitter and You Tube. H Beirich & W Via.
Going Dark (2021) J Ebner
Switzerland imposes Entry ban on far-right Austrian activist Martin Sellner. Oct 2024
Far-Right Austrian nationalist banned from Germany after neo-Nazi Meeting. March 2024.
Germany shut down public reading by far-right author. Aug 2024
New Data on Rightwing Boss Martin Sellner after “Düsseldorfer Forum”. Jan 2024
‘Alt-Right Figure who pushed the pizzagate conspriacy theory finds allies among Kootenai County Republicans May 2019
Why 3 anti-Islam activists were refused entry into the UK. March 2018.